Pursuant to Articles 10 and 13 of Law no. 675/96 which contain provisions to protect confidentiality in the processing of personal data , we hereby inform you that all the data that we receive through this website will be used for the following purposes :
- To perform a service or one or more fixed in our initiatives
- To implement obligations under applicable laws or regulations
- Protect the rights of AECO srl in Court
Please also be advised that:
- The conferment of your data is closely related to the execution of the rules laid down by our initiatives
- The holder of the data handling, in accordance with Law no. 675/96 is AECO srl.
- The data will be stored at our headquarters in Inzago (MI) - Italy Via Giacomo Leopardi 5, for the time prescribed by law - the processing of the data provided or otherwise acquired during our activity , can also be done by subjects who have been granted the right to access your personal information by law or secondary legislation and / or Community .
- In relation to the processing of data about you by AECO srl have the right to exercise the rights under Art . 13